Rizz lines are hilarious and will have you laughing until your stitches appear

Imagine you are at a party. The music is loud and the person across the room catches the attention of your gaze. It’s that time of the day when your palms start to sweat and your heart starts racing. However, wait! What say you? Do not be afraid, I will have a few w rizz meaning that are sure to break the ice as quickly as a polar a bear in a spa.

“Are you a magician? Every time I see you, everything else goes away.” Classic! This is a cheesy line that could be served with crackers. Hey, sometimes being cheesy can work. Say it confidently and with a twinkle of an eye.

Imagine yourself in a café. A cute person is sitting in a coffee shop reading a good book. The perfect opening for this gem, “Do you know my name? Can I call you yours?” You’ll get creative points for this smooth but playful question. This is a better way to ask about the weather than just asking.

You’ve probably tried to use food as a icebreaker. For those of you who like pizza: If you were pizza toppings, you would be extra-special because you are extra-special. The joke is funny but also endearing. What person doesn’t like being compared with something tasty?

We can’t forget to mention the classic question: “Does your house have Wi-Fi?” It’s because I am feeling connected.” The perfect solution for anyone with a tech background or who has ever experienced a video buffering problem.

Here’s another question: “Are Google?” “You have all the answers I’ve searched for.” This is a corny joke, but will definitely make them smile.

Why not try some fun wordplays? What about this? “Is Chapstick your name?” Because you’re da balm!” You can be funny without overdoing it with this pun.

If you want to be bold, you can ask: “Does anyone believe in the concept of love at first glance? Should I continue walking by?” This is a daring game, yet light-hearted and fun.

You’ve probably thought of ways to impress others with astronomy. This line is a good one: “Are they at the airport?” “My heart is taking flight seeing you.” This one may be more aeronautical than astronomical, but you’re sure to notice it!

Simple but very effective is: “Excuse, but you seem to have dropped something – my jaw!” It’s direct and funny.

Mix humor with flattery. “If beauty was time, you would be an eternity.” Even though it may sound grandiose at first, going for the big picture can sometimes pay off when done correctly.

Anyone here a fan of classical literature? Shakespeare’s quote (sort-of) “You must have been tired, because I thought about you all day.”

You can use physical humor when words don’t work. Pretend to trip and then say “I fell on you” – but be careful, it’s risky!

The best rizz is the one that reflects your personality and also makes them feel valued & loved.

The next time your nerves start to rise before you meet someone new, just remember these hilarious lines & proceed confidently. Laughter is truly universal and can bring people together with one giggle or snort.

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